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Learn about ammonium carbonate

Ammonium carbonate is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula (NH4)2CO3. It is a colorless cubic crystal, easily soluble in water, the aqueous solution is alkaline, and insoluble in ethanol, carbon disulfide and concentrated ammonia. It is unstable to light and heat and slightly hygroscopic.


The basic molecules of life may be formed on interstellar ice---Chinese Academy of Sciences

Ammonium carbamate is an intermediate product in the urea production process in the chemical industry. Urea can be formed by heating and dehydration. The researchers found that when temperatures reached -211°C, carbon dioxide and ammonia reacted to form carbamate, providing evidence that the building blocks of life may have originated in space. They also found that ammonium carbamate was produced at -234°C. .

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